FILOKTITIS 4kids supports children and teenagers with training and rehabilitation therapeutic plans.
FILOKTITIS offers a friendly approach at children outpatient rehabilitation, offering a wide range of services specifically designed for our young patients. We adjust our caring and treatment plans to the needs of each child since everyone has different abilities and priorities.
The team is staffed by a physiatrist, nurses, physical therapists, hydrotherapists and other specialties.
FILOKTITIS premises offer a hospitable and convenient indoor / outdoor environment for children.
Specialized Care

Hydrotherapy for children provides the possibility of walking and carrying out activities on an adapted floor depending on the height of the child (from 50 cm to 1.50 meters).
The whole process is performed via gaming exercises and learning water.
The treatment method is based on Halliwick Principles and Water Specific Treatment (WST).
FILOKTITIS provides hydrotherapy based on an individual treatment plan.
In children with motor and neurological deficits the application of the Lokomat Robotic Walking has documented to improve walking speed and endurance that are inextricably linked to participation in child's activities of daily living (ADL).
Particular positive results have been documented in children with cerebral palsy, based on studies, after robotically supported walking, like lower limbs' muscular strength, stepping length, endurance and GMFM.

Exopulse Mollii Suit
Exopulse Suit is a personal assistive medical device which is used for low-energy, near full-body electrical stimulation, reducing the typical symptoms associated with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and other neurological disorders with similar conditions.
It is intended for the reduction of spasticity, weak muscle activation and relative pain relief, etc.
Top Expertise
A multidisciplinary team of experts designs each patient's treatment plan
FILOKTITI's interdisciplinary medical team includes experienced and specialized health professionals, focused on the needs of each patient.
No matter the severity or complexity of your health problem, you can be certain that you receive the most specialized care.

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