Effective Rehabilitation
LOKOMAT® | Robotically Assisted Gait
Robotic Assisted Gait that enables efficient and intensive training to enhance muscle strength and joint range of motion to improve walking.
Locomat (robotic gait retraining) applies to patients with mobility problems after a neurological condition, providing gait retraining therapy adjusted to each individual's needs.
In treating patients with "injured" movement control, robotic movement analysis and therapy offers additional support to the training provided to the patient.
The robotic system used induces, either already established and programmed movements, or movements copied from the corresponding healthy limb ("mirror" movements), for which control is still available, thus paving the way for the restoration of central movement coordination.
These systems are able to identify and evaluate dynamic movements, as well as disturbances in coordination.
Their application therefore helps to better understand the mechanisms governing the coordination of human body movements.
In the future, similar systems are expected to provide personalized treatment through user recognition and the application of virtual reality and haptic feedback techniques.
- Retrains the brain in the automatic process of walking
- Achieves numerous repetitions of the walking cycle accurately and with the same pattern
- It can be applied at an early stage
- Reduces spasticity
- Provides more secure and controllable treating environment
- Allows to the patient to participate in gating process
- May help even patients that are in chronic phase
Rehabilitation Center FILOKTITIS consists the only Rehabilitation Center in Attica, Greece that provides Robotically Assisted Gaiting in neurological patients
Ensuring more Natural Movement
Lokomat is the world's leading robotic rehabilitation device that provides highly repetitive and the most physiological movement training.
Natural movement of lower limbs is reassured by invidually stabilized patient interface.
In addition, hip and knee joint angles can be adjusted during training to the specific needs of the patient.
How does LOKOMAT® work?
During rehabilitation, the patient has to accept the challenge. Rehabilitation goals adjust to patient's performance.
Patients are motivated to achieve their goals with various game-like exercises based on virtual reality. Their activity level affects work performance and movement pattern and speed.
Increasingly, rehabilitation protocols are now proposing to combine robot-assisted training with virtual reality to further improve motor outcomes of the lower limbs.
In addition, hip and knee joint angles can be adjusted during training to the specific needs of the patient.
This treatment is provided to both INPATIENT and ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΟΥΣ of patients.
specifically for CHILDREN
In children with motor and neurological deficits the application of the Lokomat Robotic Walking has documented to improve walking speed and endurance that are inextricably linked to participation in child's activities of daily living (ADL).
Particular positive results have been documented in children with cerebral palsy, based on studies, after robotically supported walking, like lower limbs' muscular strength, stepping length, endurance and GMFM.
Child participates via a controlled environment that provides stimuli that are directed in a game format (Cherni et al 2022); based on developmental milestones of each age.

Top Expertise
A multidisciplinary team of experts designs each patient's treatment plan
Interdisciplinary team of Blocks Rehab FILOKTITIS includes experienced and specialized health professionals, focused on the needs of each patient. No matter the severity or complexity of your health problem, you can be sure that you will get the most specialized care.

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