Treatment to Imrove Daily Activities

Hydrotherapy provides treatment or improvement of a disorder or disease. Water is utilised for its treating values.
The term "Hydrotherapy" is used to describe the method of therapeutic intervention that utilises water exercises specially designed to help rehabilitation of various diseases: musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, as well as patients hospitalized in HDR who have a tracheostomy.
Water Exercise
Therapeutic rehabilitation program inside water differs from field treatments as it is based on the principles of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics.
Exercise inside water is based on principles of buoyancy, i.e. in fresh water body weight equals to 1/10 of actual weight, facilitating thus walking and moving individual body parts. At the same time, though, with buoyancy, there is also water resistance, that we utilise for the application of hydrokinesiotherapy, specifically when we aim to strengthen lax and atrophic muscles, in various diseases.
For this purpose, we use instruments or swimming accessories, such as e.g. flippers, swimming boards, etc. which by adapting them to body's atrophic parts, contribute to the appropriate water movement and to their activation-strengthening.
The Water resistance contributes also to static motor reflexes, particularly in those cases that coexiste functional disorder of the nervous system like in paresis, tetraplegia, , hemiplegia etc
Also, water temperature contributes significantly to rehabilitation since it effectively helps to relax - manage spasticity of human body parts; to increase blood circulation and metabolism resulting in the facilitation of movement.
In particular, we applytechniques:
- Ηalliwick,
- Badragaz,
- Water Specific Therapy,
- Aquastrech,
- Clinical Ai Chi.
This treatment is provided to both INPATIENT and OUTPATIENTformat of patients.

Hydrotherapy for Children
Hydrotherapy in children provides the possibility of walking and performing activities in adjusted floor according to the height of the child (from 50 cm to 1.50 meters).
Also, due to buoyancy and sensory properties of water the child has the opportunity to move free without any ailments so as to practice and activate functionally its muscular and sensory system (Lembeck, 2021).
The process is performed via gaming exercises and learning water adjustment.
The treatment method is based on Halliwick Principles and the Εξειδικευμένης Water Specialized Treatment (WST).
Treatment is provided to an OUTPATIENT format.
Hydrotherapy in Adults
Water buoyancy provides an excellent way to boost selfconfidence and patients' mobilization. Due to reduced gravity, there is much less pressure on joints, allowing much more efficient exercise.
Hydrotherapy helps relieve pain, relax and mobilize joints, strengthen muscles, develop balance and coordination, and improve general fitness.

Indoor heated pools (31˚-33˚C) offer the ideal environment for hydrotherapy for people of all ages and in all clinical conditions (e.g. even with a tracheostomy).
Our swimming pools include, among others, water resistence path, electronic cranes and special wheeled wheelchairs to enter and exit water.
Top Expertise
A multidisciplinary team of experts designs each patient's treatment plan
Interdisciplinary team of Blocks Rehab FILOKTITIS includes experienced and specialized health professionals, focused on the needs of each patient. No matter the severity or complexity of your health problem, you can be sure that you will get the most specialized care.

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