Specialized treatment to address problems in people with cognitive or mental impairments

Psychological support aims at facilitating patient's participation in the rehabilitation process so that the optimal level of rehabilitation is achieved, in collaboration with medical team and relatives.

Initial goals of psychological support focus on pointing the needs, personal wishes and difficulties of each patient, consisting the therapeutic "compass"and combining these directly to rehabilitation goals, on behalf of both the patient and the medical team.

At the same time, the patient is encouraged to express his thoughts and feelings as far as its disease is concerned, its consequences to his/her life (i.e. functionality, autonomy, lifestyle) and how he deals with all of that in terms of all the new changes.

An integral part in our process is the support of the patient's family or supporting environment; aiming at their constructive participation in making the patient accept the new living conditions and adapting to them through treatment.

This treatment is provided to both INPATIENT and OUTPATIENTformat of patients.

Top Expertise

A multidisciplinary team of experts designs each patient's treatment plan

Interdisciplinary team of Blocks Rehab FILOKTITIS includes experienced and specialized health professionals, focused on the needs of each patient. No matter the severity or complexity of your health problem, you can be sure that you will get the most specialized care.

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The best I've met!!!! They are all excellent therapists!!!!! They work on us like giving even "their soul" to the patients!!!!
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Our goal is to implement a treatment plan that ensures you feel the way you want and return back to your life routine with as much independence and confidence as possible.

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