Natural rehabilitation of your health
physical therapy

Physiotherapy covers cases of respiratory, cardiovascular, orthopedic and neurological diseases and dysfunctions, with a special emphasis on the rehabilitation of any type of motor disability, both for inpatients and outpatients.

Therapeutical Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is the most basic component of our patients' rehabilitation. Equipment of the therapeutic gyms includes all the necessary means for the ideal, and always personalized execution of any therapeutic program.

Blocks Rehab FILOKTITIS' specialized personel may apply all appropriate and scientifically accepted rehabilitation techniques in the field of therapeutic exercise, adapted each individual patient's needs.

In particular, we apply:

  • Functional rehabilitation techniques for improvement of neuromuscular coordination, development of normal movement patterns, muscle retraining and stimulation of muscle activity (P.N.F Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Bobath method, Brunnstrom method, Vojta method, Grimaldi method, Perfetti method 
  • Joint Mobilization techniques (Manual Therapy), to restore motion range and release painful movements (Kaltenborn, Maitland, Cyriax, Mulligan, McKenzie method) 
  • Basic principles of improving motor performance, development of cardiorespiratory parameters, mild therapeutic exercise programs.

This treatment is provided to both INPATIENT and OUTPATIENTformat of patients.

Top Expertise

A multidisciplinary team of experts designs each patient's treatment plan

Interdisciplinary team of Blocks Rehab FILOKTITIS includes experienced and specialized health professionals, focused on the needs of each patient. No matter the severity or complexity of your health problem, you can be sure that you will get the most specialized care.

meet our people
The best I've met!!!! They are all excellent therapists!!!!! They work on us like giving even "their soul" to the patients!!!!
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Our goal is to implement a treatment plan that ensures you feel the way you want and return back to your life routine with as much independence and confidence as possible.

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Admissions Info
Everything you want to know following your inpatient or outpatient case referral.
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While you are at FILOKTITIS
In one sector we have gathered all the required information about what you need to know about your stay at FILOKTITIS.
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Concierge services
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